Podikizhi is an effective treatment to reduce the tenderness, pain and stiffness of the body. The herbal powders used are warmed in a frying pan and then placed in a special cotton cloth and tied up in a bolus form. An Abhyanga (body massage) is usually recommended prior to embarking on a Podikizhi treatment. After a gentle massage to the affected body part, the kizhi is rhythmically massaged in a continuous manner. The treatment is typically 25mins (if part of body) or up to 50mins if it is full body. For the treatment to be effective the treatment is recommended to be done over a continuous time period.
Podikizhi is an effective treatment to reduce the tenderness, pain, stiffness and heaviness of affected body parts or joints. It improves the circulation, movements of joints, effective in releasing a trapped nerves, reduce swelling etc. A fantastic treatment for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, back pain and sciatica.
It is important, during and after the treatment that patients take on board the advice given. Typically, patient must avoid cold, spicy food, fizzy drinks and it is recommended that patients keep themselves warm.